What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear "Thanksgiving"? I won't front, the first thing I think about is food and lots of it, but nonetheless, Thanksgiving to me is synonomyous with loved ones. Although I do not entirely support the origin of this Holiday, I do enjoy the togetherness and gratefulness it brings.
Thanksgiving is a funny holiday. It's a holiday that basically forces people to realize how blessed they are. If it were up to me, Thanksgiving wouldn't be a holiday. Thankfulness however, would definitely be a requirement to uphold in every household, school, place of business. etc. if I had my way! Things like giving out turkeys, clothes and other necessities to the homeless are all wonderful things, but gifts that should not only be considered around the month of November. (here I go tryna preach again)
Anyways, despite all my condradictions, I hope all my blog readers have a wonderful, blessed, and very thankful Thanksgiving! Count those blessings! :)
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